Third Sunday of Lent | The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Third Sunday of Lent

Let us now turn to God, imploring his mercy, that he look with on our prayers with eternal love and unending compassion.

For the Church; through the holiness of the lives of Christians, may all people come to know God’s infinite love.
Lord, hear us.

For all law-makers throughout the world;
may they enact laws that are just and which respect the gift of human life, especially the rights and dignity of the unborn, the sick and the elderly.
Lord, hear us.

For the many places in our world that are fractured and divided by race, language or culture. May all people recognise each other as brothers and sisters.
Lord, hear us.

For all who are preparing for baptism or full communion with the Catholic Church at Easter. May these weeks of Lent bring about deeper faith and prayer.
Lord, hear us.

For our parish community; may Lent enable us to be truly reconciled to each other and to God through faith, hope and love.
Lord, hear us.

For those who have died, those known to us, and those whose faith is known to God alone. May they rest in peace in the everlasting life that awaits us all
Lord, hear us.

May Mary join her prayers to ours as we pray Hail Mary.

Let us now pray for a moment in silence.

Almighty Father, we believe that your beloved Son is the Saviour of the world. Answer our prayers and give us a share in his life for ever and ever. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

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