4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Christ taught us to set our hearts on the Kingdom of God, and on its justice. In that Kingdom our happiness will be complete, and all that we need will be given to us. 

Blessed are those who know their need of God:
May the Lord lead us to seek his face in purity of heart.
Lord, hear us. 

Blessed are those who work for no reward, and those who suffer for what is right: 
May the Lord comfort them with his  presence, and lighten their burden. 
Lord, hear us. 

Blessed are the gentle, those who show mercy, and forgive;
May they know the Lord’s forgiveness at the end of time.
Lord, hear us.

Blessed are the peacemakers, those who reconcile conflict and hate: 
May they receive their inheritance as the sons of God.
Lord, hear us.

May the Lord bring consolation to all who mourn the dead:
And may they share the blessed hope of all who have died in the peace of Christ. 
Lord, hear us.

The Angel said to Mary: blessed are you among women!
 We join our prayers with hers now, as we say: Hail Mary …

We pray for a moment in silence.


As we pray before you, Lord, we ask you, in your mercy, for the grace always to ponder in our hearts what we proclaim with our lips. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time A

Christ, calls us to leave all behind and follow him. 
Let us now pray for the needs of the church and of the world:

We pray for Archbishop Bernard, and for all clergy and religious. 
May they always be true to their calling and fruitful in the work of leading God’s people.
Lord, hear us.

We pray for the rulers of the nations. 
May the leaders of all peoples work together to establish hope, justice and equality for all.
Lord, hear us.

We pray for vocations to the priesthood, permanent diaconate and religious life. 
May the Holy Spirit guide the hearts and minds of those called by the Lord, 
and give them courage to commit their lives in his service.
Lord, hear us.

We pray for comfort and healing for the sick and those who care for them. 
May the loving call of the Lord lift them from all disenchantment and despair.
Lord, hear us.

We pray also for those departed from this life: 
that Christ the light of the world may draw all his people to new life 
and to the fullness of redemption.
Lord, hear us.

We ask Our Lady, Mother of the Church, for her intercession, as we pray: Hail Mary …

We pause in silent reflection with our personal intentions.

Father, hear the prayers of your people. 
Grant us the strength and courage 
to be faithful to our calling.

We make these prayers through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
“John said, ‘Look, there is the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.’ “ John 1:30
We turn to God in prayer for the needs of the Church and of the world, 
that he may show us his mercy.

For the Pope and all who have responded to God's call to ministry: 
that God will strengthen their service, renew their dedication and bless their works of mercy. 
Lord, hear us.

For justice in the world, especially for the poor and helpless: 
that we, members of the richer nations, may be generous and merciful with all that we have.
Lord, hear us.

For a deepening of prayer in our lives: 
that we may grow in mercy through attentiveness to God’s will. 
Lord, hear us.

For those working in the emergency services, for the elderly and for those living alone: 
that during the coldness of winter they may be kept from all harm. 
Lord, hear us.

For those who are sick, and those who have died, especially in our own community and families: May God bless them, and us. 
Lord, hear us.

We offer our prayers to God through the intercession of His blessed Mother, as we say, 
Hail Mary …

Let us now pray for a moment in silence.

God, our merciful Father, 
listen to all our prayers which we make in faith
through your Son, Jesus Christ, who is Lord for ever and ever. 


The Baptism of the Lord : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

The Baptism of the Lord (A)
In the Lord’s baptism we see the revelation that he has come to bring salvation, healing and peace to the world.  Let us now pray for the needs of the church and the world:
Let us pray for the universal church.  May all the baptised strive to be fruitful ministers of Christ’s message of love and salvation.
Lord, hear us.  

Let us pray for world leaders.  May the Holy Spirit instil in them a drive for true justice, so that they may govern their citizens fairly, without fear or favour.  Lord, hear us.  

Let us pray for the people of Australia, especially all who suffer because of the bushfires there. May the Lord the protect those in danger and richly bless all who come their aid. Lord, hear us.  

Let us pray for those suffering financial hardship.  May all who are worried and fearful find strength in the Lord to persevere through their struggles, and may those who are able be generous in assisting those in need.
Lord, hear us.  

Let us pray for those who have departed this life.  May God our Father, who called each of us by name, bring all the departed into the wonderful light of his heavenly home. 
Lord, hear us.  

Let us pray together with Our Lady, Queen of Peace, as we say: Hail Mary…

Let us pray quietly for our own personal intentions.
Father in heaven, you revealed Christ your Son as the light of salvation for the whole world.  We ask you to hear these and all our prayers which we make in faith and hope, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen