Feast of the Holy Family (B) | The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Feast of the Holy Family (B)


On this feast of the Holy Family we bring our requests to God our loving father.


For the church.  May its values and teaching always reflect the example of the Holy Family.
Lord hear us

For parents; that in a spirit of generosity and love, they may be strengthened in their vocation, Lord hear us

For refugees in all parts of the world who, like the Holy Family, cannot return home for fear of death or repression. May they be received with kindness in foreign lands and supported in their endeavours to build a new life
Lord hear us.

For those who have died and whose anniversaries occur at this time,
May they be blessed with God’s favour.
Lord hear us.

Let us ask Mary, loving wife and mother to pray for us as we say...Hail Mary...

In silence we thank God for our blessings and ask him to hear our personal prayers.


Father we ask you to hear and answer all our prayers which we bring to you in faith and love through our Lord Jesus your Son.  Amen

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day | The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

In Christmas joy and hope, let us present all our needs to God with confidence.

For the church, for all deacons, priests and bishops: many the Lord bless them and strengthen them for his service, that they may faithfully proclaim the Good News of salvation.
Lord, hear us.

For all those who are travelling at this time that they may arrive safely to join their families, loved ones and friends to celebrate the birth of our Saviour.
Lord, hear us.

For those who will find it difficult to celebrate Christmas: the poor, the sick, the depressed, prisoners, armed forces, seafarers and other migrant workers and all who are separated from their families at this time
Lord, hear us.

For those who have died and for those who mourn their loss
That all all those for whom Christmas sharpens the loss of loved ones,
may find hope in the entry of new life into the world.
Lord, hear us.

Let us ask Mary, the Mother of our Saviour, to pray with us as we say -
Hail Mary...

We now pray in silence for a few moments to God our Father who is always ready to hear our prayers.


Father, the birth of your Son renews our hope.
As you answer all our prayers,
give us grace always to bear witness to him
before the world.
for he is Lord for ever and ever.  Amen.

4th Sunday of Advent (Year B) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

4th Sunday of Advent (Year B)


God's love lasts for ever – he is the rock who saves us. Let us therefore come to him with confidence to present our petitions.


For Archbishop Bernard, our assistant bishops and all priests, deacons and people of the diocese; may this holy season bring us closer to the Lord in prayer, in hope and in joy.
Lord, hear us

For all expectant mothers and the children growing within them.
for the babies being born today, and for those children who are neglected or abused
Lord, hear us

Let us pray for ourselves: that in the pressure of the preparations for the coming holiday
we may find time for reflection on the true meaning of Christmas
Lord, hear us.

Let us pray for all who are sad, lonely, or in any kind of need at this time;
That the holiness of this feast may fill them with joy in the Lord’s presence.
Lord, hear us.

Let us turn to Mary, the handmaid of the Lord as we say, Hail Mary

Let us pray in silence for our needs and the needs of those we love.


Merciful Father, hear our prayers for ourselves and our world and grant that what we ask in faith we may obtain through Jesus Christ your Son, who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.

Third Sunday of Advent (Year B) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Third Sunday of Advent (Year B)



The Lord is near! In a spirit of joy we bring our needs to him. 



Let us pray for Pope Francis and all our clergy.  May they help us to prepare a way for the Lord in our lives.  May we be ready for our Saviour when he comes again. 

Lord, hear us. 


For our world: for mercy and justice for rich and poor alike, for freedom from tyranny and oppression and for a time of peace and tranquillity for all peoples. 

Lord, hear us.


For those suffering from physical or emotional pain and for all who are weighed down with worry, guilt or despair that in this season of hope they may be restored and comforted. 

Lord, hear us.


Let us commend ourselves and all God's people, both living and dead, to the intercession of Our Blessed Lady - Hail Mary.


Let us now pray in the silence of our hearts, remembering those who need our prayers.



Heavenly Father, we ask you to listen to our petitions and generously heed our humble prayers, through Christ Our Lord. Amen. 

2nd Sunday of Advent (Year B) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

2nd Sunday of Advent (Year B)



As we wait with hope and anticipation for the coming of our Lord, we ask for peace and mercy for ourselves and the world.



For the Church, that during this time of Advent she will help everyone to prepare spiritually for the coming of our Saviour 

Lord, hear us.


For nations in crisis, those at war, those suffering political turmoil or economic recession, that all may experience the peace and happiness of the coming season 

Lord, hear us.


For those who may find it hard to prepare a way for the Lord in their lives, that they may be given the gifts of knowledge and discernment. 

Lord, hear us.


For all who have died, and for those whose anniversaries fall at this time: may they be raised to new and eternal life, 

Lord, hear us.


Mary looked forward with joy to the coming of the Christ child, we ask for her help with our prayers as we say - Hail Mary…


Let us pray in silence for our needs and the needs of those we love.




Merciful Father, hear our prayers for ourselves and our world and grant that what we ask in faith we may obtain through Jesus Christ your Son, who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.

First Sunday of Advent (B) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

First Sunday of Advent (B)

Stay Awake!



As we begin the season of Advent, Our Lord commands us to Stay Awake, always vigilant to his teaching, his promptings and his will. As we turn to him now in prayer, we ask for the grace to be as attentive to him, as he is to us.



For the work of the Church, 

that Christ's message of love and forgiveness will spread throughout the world, bringing peace and blessings to all his people 

Lord, hear us.


For the peace of the world, 

that those in charge of political affairs may always be conscious that true peace is based upon the dignity of humanity, whatever the race, colour or creed. 

Lord, hear us.


For our parish community; that we may experience the loving kindness of our Father in heaven as we journey through this life towards the Kingdom of God 

Lord, hear us.


For the sick and those who care for them, that the Lord Jesus may heal the sick, rid the world of hunger and protect us from all disasters. 

Lord, hear us.


We pray that all who have died may experience the renewed and eternal life brought by the coming of the Saviour. 

Lord, hear us.


Let us now ask Our Lady to join her prayers to ours as we say: Hail Mary ... 


Let us pray in silence to the Lord 



Father, you gave us your only Son to prepare us for your kingdom. May our lives be a daily preparation for the day when we see you as you are. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.