Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

They set off to preach repentance (Mark 6:12)

Having welcomed the Word of God in faith, let us offer our prayers to God.

For the church, for our Holy Father Pope Francis, for our bishops, priests and deacons, and for all the baptised: mayGod strengthen us in faith, that, like the apostles, we may continue to spread the word of God’s love.
Lord, hear us.

For the children of our parish and for all those who are changing schools or facing important decisions about their future: may they be guided by the Holy Spirit to listen God’s call. Lord, hear us.

For those experiencing difficulties in family life and for those who struggle in difficult circumstances: may the Lord give them strength through his merciful grace. Lord, hear us.

For all who are sick in mind or body: may they know the consoling touch of Christ, who loves them and who unites himself with their suffering.
Lord, hear us.

For all those who have died, especially members of our own family and community.
Lord hear us

We now ask the intercession of Our Blessed Lady as we say, Hail Mary

Let us now pray for a moment in silence

Father, we bring you these petitions, confident in the knowledge that you will hear and answer our prayers which we make through Jesus Christ your Son. Amen.

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