Second Sunday of Lent : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Second Sunday of Lent
When they went into the cloud the disciples were afraid (Luke 9:33)

Lord God, our light and our salvation, we thank you for the desire that you have planted in our hearts, our yearning to see your face. With trust and confidence, cast out our fear, as we come before you in prayer.

Let us pray for Francis, our Pope; May the Lord protect him and grant him length of days. May the Lord be his shield and deliver him from all harm.
Lord, hear us..

Let us pray for the people of New Zealand,
and for all those shocked, traumatised and bereaved after the terrorist attacks.
That they may regain their dignity and hope,
And that mercy may always prevail over hatred.
Lord, hear us.

Let us pray
that the glory of Christ transfigured may make our world not a place of fear,
but a place alive with wonder and joy.
Lord, hear us.

Let us pray for all migrants and refugees,
help us to welcome them with joy,
and, where they are in need, to work with generosity to overcome their sufferings.
Lord, hear us.

Let us pray for CAFOD and other Aid Agencies
as they face continual demands on their resources from so many parts of the world,
That we may give generously to alleviate the sufferings of others
Lord, hear us.

For all in our parish who have died and for those whose anniversaries fall around this time;
that they may enjoy eternal life. Lord, hear us..

Let us ask Mary to join her prayers with ours as we pray: Hail Mary…

Let us now pray for a moment in silence. 

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