Twenty-Eighth Sunday (B) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Twenty-Eighth Sunday (B)
Go and sell everything you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. (Mark 10:21-22)

Let us turn as children to God our Father and present our prayers and needs to him with confidence.
For our Holy Father Pope Francis:
that he may ever more effectively lead the faithful through the door of Faith to the treasures of heaven.
Lord, hear us. .

For all Christians who are persecuted for their faith:
that the Lord will continue to give them hope and courage to hold fast to what is true.
Lord, hear us.

For all affected by conflict and political instability, including those separated from their families:
that governments and agencies may assist them, that they may be treated with dignity, care and compassion.
Lord, hear us. .

For ourselves:
that God will give us the grace to respond to his invitation to care for the poor and weak, the dying, the forgotten, and the unborn.
Lord, hear us.

For those who have died this week; may they and all the faithful departed experience the grace and mercy of Jesus and enter into eternal life with him.
Lord, hear us.  

Now let us ask Our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary to join her to ours as we say together, Hail Mary..

Now in a moment of silence we add our own special prayers.

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