26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : Homily / Sermon

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Which of the two did the father’s will? (Matthew 21:31)



Let us pray to God our Father who gave us life and provides for all our needs.



For Pope Francis and for the bishops of the church 

that they may guide us into the Lords vineyard with tolerance and respect for others, and so search together for ways of peace between nations.

Lord, hear us..


For peace and justice in the world

That the warm words and peaceful intentions of the leaders of the nations may be honestly put into effect in the world in which we live. 

Lord, hear us.


For the sick and suffering and all who are in need, 

That expressions of concern may not be empty words, 

But may find full expression in our works of mercy. 

Lord, hear us. 


We pray for those who have died and for all the Holy Souls. 

May the Almighty Lord gather them at last in his eternal harvest.

Lord, hear us..


Let us now turn to our Lady, the Mother of Jesus to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary ... 


Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.



Heavenly Father, hear the prayers of your people and grant our petitions out of the same love with which you created us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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