20th Sunday of the Year : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayers of the Faithful


With faith and hope we bring our petitions to you Lord so that we may be guided by you to live our lives according to your teachings


May the Lord transform by the power of his sacrament all those who receive it, and especially those who administer it, the Pope, the bishops, the clergy and extraordinary ministers.

Lord in your mercy

We pray that God will give strength and hope to those suffering from the financial turmoil in Europe. May he guide governments in the hard decisions they have to make and keep them ever mindful of the poor and vulnerable in their societies.

Lord in your mercy

We pray for all those who struggle with their faith that they may persevere through the dark times, with the help of God’s love and understanding.

Lord in your mercy

May the Lord strengthen by his body and blood all those who are sick, especially those whose sickness is prolonged or near death.

Lord in your mercy

We ask our Mother Mary who was assumed sinless into heaven, to assist us in our prayers as we say Hail Mary 

In the silence of our hearts, let us offer to the Lord our own personal intentions.


Lord Jesus Christ, you have given us your flesh to eat and your blood to drink. May we learn to put all our trust in you. Through you who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.  Amen.



Prayers of the Faithful 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time

With faith and hope we bring our petitions to you Lord so that we may be guided by you to live our lives according to your teachings

May the Lord transform by the power of his sacrament all those who receive it, and especially those who administer it, the Pope, the bishops, the clergy and extraordinary ministers.
Lord in your mercy

We pray that God will give strength and hope to those suffering from the financial turmoil in Europe. May he guide governments in the hard decisions they have to make and keep them ever mindful of the poor and vulnerable in their societies.
Lord in your mercy

We pray for all those who struggle with their faith that they may persevere through the dark times, with the help of God’s love and understanding.
Lord in your mercy

May the Lord strengthen by his body and blood all those who are sick, especially those whose sickness is prolonged or near death.
Lord in your mercy

We ask our Mother Mary who was assumed sinless into heaven, to assist us in our prayers as we say Hail Mary 

In the silence of our hearts, let us offer to the Lord our own personal intentions.

Lord Jesus Christ, you have given us your flesh to eat and your blood to drink. May we learn to put all our trust in you. Through you who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.  Amen.



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