18th Sunday : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Priest: Having been invited to come to Jesus, our bread of life, let us now confidently place our needs before the Father.


Let us pray for all the priests of our diocese; strengthen them in the spirit to carry out your work.
Lord in your mercy

May we be continually challenged by each other to 'put off' our old, selfish ways and follow more closely the way of Christ,
Lord in your mercy

May all who face persecution because of their faith in Jesus Christ might be comforted by our support in prayer and in action,
Lord in your mercy

For the sick, especially the sick members of our family and community, and for those who have died, especially those who died without hope or in pain,
Lord in your mercy

Let us commend ourselves and all Gods people living and dead to the intercession of our Blessed Lady as we say, Hail Mary...

We make our private petitions in silence.

Heavenly Father, we place all our hope in your power to answer our needs voiced in faith and in the name of your Son. We ask you, then, to grant our requests through this same Jesus Christ, our Lord.

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