Ascension: Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful


Let us pray to God, through Jesus Christ his Son who was taken up to heaven and intercedes for us at His Father’s right hand.


As we celebrate the feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus let it inspire in us feelings of joy and hope. Lord in your mercy

For the pope, bishops and clergy, that through their witness to the Risen Lord they may continue to preach His gospel of love and peace in confidence and faith. Lord in your mercy

For those in need, the suffering and oppressed, that through the Ascension of Our Lord they may be inspired to trust in God’s promise of eternal happiness Lord in your mercy

For those who have died, may they be granted the fullness of life and joy in Heaven. Lord in your mercy

Let us turn to Our Lady, Mother of Divine Grace, and seek her intercession as we say, Hail Mary ...

In the solitude of our hearts we bring before God our own needs and Intentions.


Loving Father, who raised your Son Jesus Christ into glory, grant our prayers and welcome us to the table of your eternal banquet, through Christ our Lord. Amen

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