Advent 2: Intercessions / Bidding Prayers / Prayer of the Faithful


As we wait with hope and anticipation for the coming of our Lord, we ask for peace and mercy for ourselves and the world.



We pray for the church, that during this time of Advent it will help everyone to prepare spiritually for the coming of our Saviour.
Lord in your Mercy

We pray for nations in crisis, those at war, those suffering political turmoil or economic recession, that all may experience the peace and happiness of the coming season
Lord in your mercy

For those who may find it hard to prepare a way for the Lord in their lives that they may be given the gifts of knowledge and discernment.
Lord in your mercy

We pray that all who have died for those whose anniversary’s fall at this time may be raised to new and eternal life.
Lord in your mercy,

Mary looked forward with joy to the coming of the Christ child, we ask for her help with our prayers as we say - Hail Mary

Let us pray in silence for our needs and the needs of those we love.



Merciful Father, hear our prayers for ourselves and our world and grant that what we ask in faith we may obtain through Jesus Christ your Son, who is Lord for ever and ever.


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