Bidding Prayers / Intercesions for the 9th Sunday of the Year A



The Lord is our rock of refuge, he will keep us safe from harm, so with confidence we ask him to answer our needs and the needs of the world.


For all who minister in the church, 
that they will be inspired preachers of the word, proclaiming the kingdom and encouraging everyone to keep the commandments.
(pause) Lord in your mercy

For governments throughout the world, 
that they will answer their peoples needs for democracy, economic stability and peace.
(pause) Lord in your mercy

For those in need, 
for the poor and the sick, for those rising up against harsh rulers and those who have survived natural disasters.
(pause) Lord in your mercy

For our parish as we approach the season of Lent, 
may we resolve in our Lenten observances to give support to the needy by our prayers  and by almsgiving.
(pause) Lord in your mercy

For those who have recently died,  and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time, may they rest in the peace and in joy of heaven.
(pause) Lord in your mercy

We commend ourselves and all God's people, living and dead, to the intercession of Our Blessed Lady, the glorious and ever virgin Mother of God, as we say:  Hail Mary.

Now let us pray in silence for our own intentions.


O God, our refuge and strength, listen to the devout prayer of the church
and grant that what we ask in faith we may obtain through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.


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