Dedication of the Lateran Basilica (Remembrance Sunday) : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Dedication of the Lateran Basilica (Remembrance Sunday)



Merciful Father, we turn to you now in confidence and faith to ask you to listen to our prayers with love and compassion.



For Pope Francis, for all priests, deacons and religious who have dedicated their lives to serving God and spreading His Word Lord in your mercy 


For young people in our parish and deanery; that they may respond generously with open hearts and willing spirits if the Lord calls them to the priesthood, diaconate or consecrated life 

Lord in your mercy 


For all those in our parish who have died and all our loved ones who have gone before us.  May you greet them with love and mercy and grant them the happiness of your kingdom 

Lord in your mercy


We pray for all those who have died through war or acts of violence. May we never forget their sacrifice, remembering them especially today, Remembrance Sunday

Lord in your mercy


We turn to Our Lady, Queen of peace, and ask her to intercede for us as we say: Hail Mary


In the silence of our hearts, let us offer to the Lord our own personal intentions. 



Lord, hear the prayers of your people. May we learn from the example of your saints to seek you above all things and to live according to your commandments. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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