27th Sunday of the Year : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful


Confident of our covenant with God and our unity with our brothers and sisters, we present these prayers before God's throne.


For Pope Benedict that the Father may guide him and bless and protect him in his work.
Lord in your mercy.

For the Church that it will continue to guide and teach us in faith, and be a living witness to the compassionate love of God
Lord in your mercy

For the work of CAFOD, that together we may continue to strive for a fairer world, bringing bread to those who are hungry and hope to those who are oppressed.
Lord in your mercy

For all married people. May we all grow sensitive to each other's needs, and that we may grow daily more in love for each other.
Lord in your mercy

For those who are preparing for marriage that they may have a true appreciation of their vocation to married life, and a true awareness of their marriage responsibilities. May they receive the grace to lay the foundations of a happy and lasting union.
Lord in your mercy

For all those who have died recently, and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they know the peace, which comes from sharing in Christ's victory over death. Lord in your mercy.


God of love, draw us always to You, so that we may imitate your love and compassionate care for those in need. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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