26th Sunday of the Year (September 30th)


The Lord is a just judge, slow to anger and rich in mercy. Let us then approach the throne of grace and ask the Lord to help us live lives of kindness and generosity.



Let us pray for the Church's work of charity and international aid: may our efforts to help the poor be generous and persevering. Lord, hear us.


Let us pray for the poor in our own land: may we always be alert to the cry of the needy in our own society.

Lord, hear us.


We pray for the people of Zimbabwe, that in this time of extreme hardship and hunger, they may find strength and be encouraged by the warmth of our love, the generosity of our hearts and the support of our actions as they work towards a brighter future.

Lord, hear us.


Let us pray for all who are rich in this world's goods - may they share their blessings with those who have nothing.

Lord, hear us.


We remember those who have gone before us: may they enjoy the rich promises the Lord has given for those who are faithful and generous.

Lord, hear us.


We turn in prayer to our blessed Lady:

Hail Mary …


Let us pray for a moment in silence.



O Lord our God, pardon our ingratitude and greed. Hear our prayers this day, and pour into our hearts the spirit of prayer and love of the poor, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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