The First Sunday of Lent 25th February 2007

The First Sunday of Lent 25th February 2007

Priest: God our Father allowed his only son
to be tempted in the desert.
We make our prayers to him this Lent
confident that he who always hears our voice
when we call on him
will be with us in all our needs.

Reader 1. Let us pray for the Church and her leaders.
May we always remember the need to pray
for those who have roles of leadership in the Church
that they may carry out their duties
with the grace of the Holy Spirit
and the support of God’s people.
Lord in your mercy

2. Let us pray for Elisabeth and for all those who are attending the Rite of Election at the Cathedral this Sunday.
May they be supported on their journey in faith
by their parish communities and their prayers.
Lord in your mercy

3. We ask the Lord to send us good government
at international, national and local level.
May people of good will and integrity be called
to take the responsibility of office
and be given the wisdom to reach good decisions.
Lord in your mercy

4. We pray for ourselves that,
whenever we find it difficult to live the Christian life,
we are able to call upon the Lord to lead us out of temptation.
Lord in your mercy

We turn to Mary, the mother of our Saviour. Hail Mary

Let us pray for a few moments in silence.

Priest: Father, we place all the needs of the Church and the world
And all of our personal worries into your hands,
confident that you are all that is good
and all that is compassionate.
We make our prayers through Jesus our Lord

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