Sixth Sunday of Easter (C) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Sixth Sunday of Easter (C)
“Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you” (John 14:27)

We turn to our God in prayer asking him to grant us his peace and give us his saving help.

We pray that Pope Francis, and the bishops, priests and deacons of the church will receive the peace of the Holy Spirit as they lead us on our journey of faith.
Lord hear us.

We pray that we may be open to all the promptings of the Spirit: that we may find in ourselves the strength to forgive and understand.
Lord, hear us.

We pray for our parish community: that we may we draw closer Jesus and to each other by supporting and caring for one another in good times and in bad.
Lord, hear us.

We pray for all who are in need of the peace that Christ gives- the poor, the lonely and the sick, and all those who suffer because of human wickedness: that those struggling under the burden of their suffering may be strengthened and comforted by that the spirit of peace. Lord, hear us.

For all those who have died: [especially for …] and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they enter the peace of the kingdom where faith melts into the vision of God, where hope is fulfilled, and love abides forever. Lord hear us

In this month of Our Lady, the mother of peace, we ask for her intercession as we say Hail Mary.

Let us pray for a moment in silence

Father, hear our prayers, make us like your Son in the peace which dwells within us and which we share with others, that we may be witnesses of your everlasting love and mercy for the world. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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