33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Well done, good and faithful servant (Mt 19:22)


The priest says:

In today’s Gospel, the master says to the servants “Well done, good and faithful servant”. As we come before the Lord now in prayer, may we be inspired to offer the gifts God has given us, for the service of the Gospel, and in fulfilment of his will.  


The Reader says: 


Let us pray for God’s Holy Church: that she may always encourage the development of the talents of those who are amongst us. 

Lord, hear us.


Let us pray for our parish community, that each of us will be open to the opportunities to put our talents at the service of God, enabling us to flourish as a witness to the love of Christ. 

Lord, hear us.


Let us pray for those whose talents have been unacknowledged or under-developed, that they may blossom, with encouragement from others, and by the loving grace of God.

Lord, hear us. 


Let us pray for the sick and all who care for them, 

That in their time of suffering they may nevertheless be aware of the God’s mercy and compassion. 

Lord, hear us.


Let us pray for those who are dying and those who have passed from this life into the loving embrace of God: 

that they may hear those words of their Lord “well done, good and faithful servant”. 

Lord, hear us. 


Let us ask Mary, Mother of us all, to pray for us as we say: Hail Mary ….


Let us pray silently for our own intentions.



Loving Father, hear these prayers and the prayers of all our hearts. In your mercy, grant that what we ask in faith, we may obtain from your love, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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