33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Well done, good and faithful servant (Mt 19:22)


The priest says:

In today’s Gospel, the master says to the servants “Well done, good and faithful servant”. As we come before the Lord now in prayer, may we be inspired to offer the gifts God has given us, for the service of the Gospel, and in fulfilment of his will.  


The Reader says: 


Let us pray for God’s Holy Church: that she may always encourage the development of the talents of those who are amongst us. 

Lord, hear us.


Let us pray for our parish community, that each of us will be open to the opportunities to put our talents at the service of God, enabling us to flourish as a witness to the love of Christ. 

Lord, hear us.


Let us pray for those whose talents have been unacknowledged or under-developed, that they may blossom, with encouragement from others, and by the loving grace of God.

Lord, hear us. 


Let us pray for the sick and all who care for them, 

That in their time of suffering they may nevertheless be aware of the God’s mercy and compassion. 

Lord, hear us.


Let us pray for those who are dying and those who have passed from this life into the loving embrace of God: 

that they may hear those words of their Lord “well done, good and faithful servant”. 

Lord, hear us. 


Let us ask Mary, Mother of us all, to pray for us as we say: Hail Mary ….


Let us pray silently for our own intentions.



Loving Father, hear these prayers and the prayers of all our hearts. In your mercy, grant that what we ask in faith, we may obtain from your love, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

32nd Sunday (Remembrance Sunday) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

32nd Sunday (Remembrance Sunday)


The Priest says:

Jesus teaches us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. As we give thanks today for those who gave their lives for freedom, in the service of their country, let us pray now for reconciliation and peace, that their sacrifice shall not have been in vain.



We pray for the Church,

may the Catholic Church, which spans many nations and languages, 

be a sign of the unity and peace which all mankind can achieve. 

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.


We pray for the armed forces of this country, 

may peace and reconciliation always be their aim, 

and may they faithfully serve and protect the freedom of our land. 

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.


We pray for the leaders of the nations,

for our  government, for the leaders of all nations: may they work for the reduction in the number of weapons by pursuing truth, justice, peace and the proper dignity of each individual. 

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.


We pray for those who are sick and those who care for them,

may they receive comfort and relief from God in accordance with their needs. 

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.


We pray for all who have died,

for all who have died as a result of war and violence; all who died as members of the armed forces or as civilians in the service of their country; for those who have died fighting for truth and justice; may they rest in peace with Christ and rise with him in glory. 

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us. 



[The Act of Remembrance follows]



In silence, let us now pray to the Father for all our needs.


The priest concludes the prayers:

Father, source of forgiveness and salvation for all mankind, hear our prayers. By the prayers of the virgin Mary, may all those who died in wartime come to share eternal happiness with all your saints. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time


The Priest says:

Let us ask the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name, to send the Spirit of his Son into our hearts as we pray for the needs of the Church and of the world.



Let us humbly pray to the Lord, the creator and redeemer of all mankind for all people of every race and in every kind of need:

make he make his ways known to them, and reveal his salvation to the nations.

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.


Let us pray for the Church through all the world,

May the Lord guide and govern the Church by his Holy Spirit, 

that all who profess and call themselves Christians may be led into the way of truth, 

and hold the faith in the unity of Spirit, in the bond of peace and righteousness of life.

Lord, hear us.


Let us commend to God’s fatherly goodness all who are afflicted or distressed 

and those who care for them,

May he comfort and relieve them according to their needs, 

and grant them the love and consolation of the Spirit.

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.


Let us pray for all those holy souls who have died in the peace of Christ: 

May the loving Father give them a place of life and rest, that we may share with them in the glory of Jesus Christ, who died to save us all.

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us. 


Our Lady is the Mother of the Church and shows her care for us all by her prayers. 

We join our prayers with hers as we say: Hail Mary.


In a moment of silence, let us make our private petitions to God our almighty Father.


The priest concludes the prayers:

Almighty God, to whom our needs are known before we ask, help us ask only what accords with your will; and those good things which we dare not, or in our blindness cannot ask, grant us for the sake of your son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.