30th Sunday in Ordinary Time : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Bidding Prayers for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

We trust and hope in the goodness of the Lord, and we bring to Him our needs and the needs of the Church.


For all who work for and support the missions both at home and abroad. 
[We thank God for all the wonderful work that CAFOD and Survive Miva undertake on behalf of the Catholic Community.]

Lord, hear us.

As Bartimeus cried out with courage to the Lord,
may we also be prompted by God’s grace to speak boldly in faith, truth and justice.
Lord, hear us.

As the dark nights are now upon us;

may the Lord grant us comfort, protection and his kindly light.

Lord, hear us.

That our eyes may be opened to see more clearly the dignity of every human life,
whether healthy or sick, convenient or inconvenient, born or unborn.

Lord, hear us.

As we continually pray for those who are sick or housebound
may they be comforted by the Lord’s abiding presence.

Lord, hear us.

As we pray for those who have died,
may they know the peace of the heavenly kingdom in the company of the angels and saints.

Lord, hear us.

Let us ask Our Lady, to bring our prayers before the presence of the Father as we say: Hail Mary … 

We make our own petitions in silence.

God our loving Father,
we pray that you will accept these prayers
in the name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

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