20th Sunday of the Year : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful


Jesus Christ suffered and died for us and for our salvation. Let us pray now that we may have the strength to face and conquer the trials and difficulties that come our way.


For ourselves; may the Lord enable us to deal with our fear and lack of courage in his service. May we learn from the example of him, whom we confess as our Lord and Saviour.
Lord in your mercy


For Peace in our world; may our faith be strong that we may put our trust in the God of all nations. May he bring peace to all the troubled areas of the world, especially in Egypt.
Lord in your mercy


For persecuted Christians, known and unknown; may their witness and share in Christ’s passion, bring to our world the gifts of his victory over sin and death: hope, peace and justice.
Lord in your mercy


As our young people receive their examination results, may God the Father grant them the fullness of life that that he offers them through the following of his Son.
Lord in your mercy 


Let us now turn to Mary, who was assumed sinless into heaven, and seek her intercession as we say ….
Hail Mary ….


Let us now pray for a moment in silence


God our loving Father, we pray that you accept these prayers in the name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


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