Palm Sunday : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful (2)


God the Father sent His Son Jesus to redeem the world through His suffering and death, let us offer Him our prayers for the whole of humanity.


For Pope Francis: May we all respond to his call that we embrace with tender affection the whole of humanity. May we serve especially the poorest, the weakest and the smallest and so open a new horizon of hope. Lord, in your mercy.

Let us pray that all Christians embrace the joy of this Holy Week with a commitment to repent of past sins. Lord in your mercy

Let us pray that world leaders use their power to protect the poor, preserve freedom and promote lasting justice and peace Lord in your mercy

During this spell of bad weather let us pray for those living rough, those who are struggling to feed themselves, for the elderly and for those working in the emergency services. Lord in your mercy

We pray for those who have died, especially …
May they experience everlasting joy in the father’s kingdom. Lord in your mercy

We now seek the intercession of Our Blessed Lady, Help of Christians as we say
Hail Mary

In the silence of our hearts we pray for our own personal intentions.


Father as you allowed your Son to suffer for our salvation answer our prayers and grant us the grace to follow the example of Jesus, for he is Lord forever and ever. Amen.

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