Palm Sunday : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful (2)


God the Father sent His Son Jesus to redeem the world through His suffering and death, let us offer Him our prayers for the whole of humanity.


For Pope Francis: May we all respond to his call that we embrace with tender affection the whole of humanity. May we serve especially the poorest, the weakest and the smallest and so open a new horizon of hope. Lord, in your mercy.

Let us pray that all Christians embrace the joy of this Holy Week with a commitment to repent of past sins. Lord in your mercy

Let us pray that world leaders use their power to protect the poor, preserve freedom and promote lasting justice and peace Lord in your mercy

During this spell of bad weather let us pray for those living rough, those who are struggling to feed themselves, for the elderly and for those working in the emergency services. Lord in your mercy

We pray for those who have died, especially …
May they experience everlasting joy in the father’s kingdom. Lord in your mercy

We now seek the intercession of Our Blessed Lady, Help of Christians as we say
Hail Mary

In the silence of our hearts we pray for our own personal intentions.


Father as you allowed your Son to suffer for our salvation answer our prayers and grant us the grace to follow the example of Jesus, for he is Lord forever and ever. Amen.

Palm (Passion) Sunday : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

The Priest introduces the prayers:

In these days of Holy Week, when Christ prayed and entreated his Father in the anguish of his Passion with humility and sorrow for our sins. May our Father hear and answer our prayers out of love for his Son, Jesus Christ.


We pray for Christian people, that through the suffering of disunity there may grow a rich union in Christ. 
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those who make laws, interpret them, and administer them, that our common life may be ordered in justice and mercy. 

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the sick, 
that they may be given the blessings of peace and security, 
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the departed in Christ, 
that they may find mercy on the day of Christ. 
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us. 

We pray with Mary, who shared the agony of her son. Hail Mary … 

Let us pray for a moment in silence.

The Priest concludes the prayers:

Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing that you have made and forgive the sins of all those who are penitent. Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that, lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, we may receive from you, the God of all mercy, perfect forgiveness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Palm (Passion) Sunday


The Priest introduces the prayers:

In these days of Holy Week, when Christ prayed and entreated his Father in the anguish of his Passion with humility and sorrow for our sins. May our Father hear and answer our prayers out of love for his Son, Jesus Christ.



We pray for Christian people, that through the suffering of disunity there may grow a rich union in Christ. 

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.


We pray for those who make laws, interpret them, and administer them, that our common life may be ordered in justice and mercy. 

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.


We pray for the sick, 

that they may be given the blessings of peace and security, 


Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.


We pray for the departed in Christ, 

that they may find mercy on the day of Christ. 

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us. 


We pray with Mary, who shared the agony of her son. Hail Mary .


Let us pray for a moment in silence.


The Priest concludes the prayers:

Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing that you have made and forgive the sins of all those who are penitent. Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that, lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, we may receive from you, the God of all mercy, perfect forgiveness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Lent Five : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

The Priest introduces the prayers:

My brothers and sisters, as Easter draws near, let us earnestly pray to the Lord, that we who are baptised, and the entire world, may come to share fully in the life which Christ brings us through his suffering, death and resurrection.


For the Church, the Body of Christ, [especially the newly elected Pope N ]
that the Church may continue to proclaim the saving power of Christ's cross and resurrection, by which we are raised from the death of sin to the new life of grace. Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For those who hold public office, that they may appreciate that the things of this world have only passing value, and realise the immortal destiny of man, which was gained by Christ's saving death and resurrection. Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For those who suffer or are in sorrow, that they may believe through faith that sufferings are taken up by Christ into his resurrection, so that the Cross is forever buried in the glory of the tomb. Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray with Mary, who stood by the cross of her Son: Hail Mary ...

In a moment of silence we make our own petitions.

The Priest concludes the prayers:

Father, have mercy on your Church in its need, hear the prayers we offer with all our hearts, and never abandon the people who share your life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Lent Four (Mothering Sunday): Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

The Priest introduces the prayers:

My brothers and sisters in Christ, it was God our Father's will that his Son should share family life with Mary and Joseph. Let us pray to the Lord that he will continue to enrich our homes with his love and his grace.


For all mothers throughout the world, may they experience the joy and appreciation of those they have brought into the world, and may they be blessed today as they are surrounded by a loving family.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For the family of the Church, may all Christians remember that they are brothers and sisters in Christ, and so learn to live in harmony with one another.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For the sick and those who care for them, for the unemployed, the homeless, the widowed and orphaned; that the strains which adversity put upon family life may be borne with patience and trust in God.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For those departed this life, may all families be reunited in the Kingdom of God.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us turn in prayer to Mary, Mother of all Christians: Hail Mary ...

In silence, we make our private prayers.

The Priest concludes the prayers:

Father, in union with Mary, our Mother, we make all our prayers to you, confident that you will hear and answer them. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

3rd Sunday of Lent : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful


The Lord is compassion and love, he is well aware of our sufferings, let us make known our needs to him and ask for his mercy. 


For the guidance upon the Cardinals as they prepare to choose a new Pope.
Lord, in your mercy.

For an end to war and oppression: that nations may live in peace and harmony with their neighbours.
Lord, in your mercy.

For those who are suffering from illness or stress: for those whose livelihoods are threatened, for those experiencing stress at work, and for those faced with redundancy.
Lord, in your mercy. 

For our parish community, for those who minister to us, for our teachers, our friends, for the young people preparing to receive the sacraments, for all who are sick, and for those who have asked or are in need of our prayers.
Lord, in your mercy.

For the faithful departed: (especially N.), that they will be freed from their sins and welcomed into the company of the saints.
Lord, in your mercy. 

Let us ask Mary, Our Mother, to support us with her prayers as we say: Hail Mary. 

Now we pray for our own intentions, in the silence of our hearts. 


Heavenly Father, listen to the prayer of your people, and grant us what we need. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.