Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful


The Lord hears the cry of our appeal and comes to our help, so with confidence we make our requests on behalf of the needy.


For our Holy Father Pope Benedict and all who hold positions of authority within the Church: that as true successors of Peter they may blend gentleness with strength in a spirit of genuine compassion towards others.
Lord hear us.

For those persecuted for their religion, especially those held in prisons: we ask you to give strength and guidance to those organisations working to challenge governments who abuse human rights.
Lord hear us.

We pray for the poor and disadvantaged, especially children, and for agencies such as social services, food banks and refuges that are trying to help.
Lord, hear us

We pray for those who have died, that they will enjoy forever the glories of heaven, and for those who mourn that they may be comforted.
Lord, hear us

Let us commend ourselves and all God’s people both living and dead to the intercession of our Blessed Lady as we say together, Hail Mary.

Now let us pray for a moment in silence.


Heavenly Father, we ask you to hear our prayers for all in need and to answer them according to your great mercy, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen

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