The Birth of John the Baptist: Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful


Out of love for God, who first loved us, let us bring our requests to Him in prayer.


For the bishops and priests of the Church.
May the Holy Spirit guide them in their vocations.
Lord in your mercy

We pray for vocations to the priesthood, the diaconate and to the religious life so that, just as John the Baptist was sent to prepare for the coming of Jesus, there will always be men and women dedicated to administering the Sacraments of the Church.
Lord in your mercy

For all who provide our food, we pray that they may be guided to find ethical ways of feeding the world, so that no-one need ever go hungry or thirsty again .
Lord in your mercy

We pray for the sick, the lonely, the dying and those recently deceased,; may the living be comforted and the dead be welcomed into heaven. Lord in your mercy

Now let us pray, in silence, for our own needs and intentions.

Let us ask Our Lady to intercede for us as we say together Hail Mary…


God, our Father, we ask you to grant all our prayers because we make them in faith through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen

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