30th Sunday of the Year: Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful


Today is World Mission Sunday and we are reminded of our calling to go out to all nations to proclaim the Gospel and to build God’s Church.  With churches throughout the world we are united in prayer and sacrifice and so we have confidence to ask God to listen in love and mercy to our prayers.


We pray for Pope Benedict, first missionary of the Church, and for all missionaries who dedicate their lives to be fruitful messengers of the Word, that they may be always loving, patient, humble and wise witnesses of Christ the Saviour. Lord in your mercy

We pray for all who lead and govern the nations of the world, especially in the many areas where war, conflict and civil unrest currently prevail.  May the Holy Spirit guide them to be wise in their judgements and honest in all that they do, so that all whom they lead and govern may enjoy harmony and stability. Lord in your mercy

We pray for those who are troubled, worried or suffer illness; for the house-bound, infirm and the dying.  May we support and care for them with compassion and so help them find an abundant comfort in God’s merciful love. Lord in your mercy

We pray for those who have died recently and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time.  May they share the light, happiness and peace of your presence and may we who are left enjoy the comfort that your mercy and love provides. Lord in your mercy

We turn to Our Lady, Queen of the Rosary, and ask her to intercede with us as we say: Hail Mary...

We now pray for our own personal intentions.


Heavenly Father, strengthen our faith, hope and love so that we may always do with loving hearts what you ask of us and share your love with all those we encounter.   We ask these and all our prayers in the name of your Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ.


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