26th Sunday of the Year: Bidding Prayers / Prayer of the Faithful / Intercessions

Intercessions for Sunday 26th Sunday of Year A


Let us pray to God our Father who gave us life and provides for all our needs.


For his Holiness Pope Benedict XV1 and for the bishops of the church that together with the leaders of all the world’s religions they will guide us into the Lords vineyard with tolerance and respect for others, and so search together for ways of peace between nations.Lord, hear us.

We pray for all who are stubborn of heart and will, 
that God's loving grace may move them to change to the path of truth.
Lord, hear us.

At the start of the new term in our seminaries we pray especially for all who may be called to enter the Priesthood, Diaconate or Consecrated life and for each one of us here whatever our vocation, that may we have the courage and generosity to answer your call. Lord, hear us.

At this harvest time we pray for all who work on the land, may their labour be blessed by God and may they be given suitable weather for the growth and harvesting of their crops which will provide food for themselves and for others. Lord, hear us.

We pray for those who have died and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time.  May they experience the everlasting joy of God's heavenly kingdom. Lord, hear us.

Let us now turn to our Lady, the mother of Jesus to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary....

Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.


Lord, Jesus your Son who humbled himself to the condition of a slave for our sake. We pray that our prayers be granted his name. Amen.

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