27th Sunday of the Year : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayers of the Faithful

Priest:Brothers and sisters, remembering that “if there is anything you need, pray for it” we now turn to God in prayer for the needs of the Church and the whole world.


We pray for the church - Pope Benedict, Bishops, Priests, Religious and laity.  May we all be fruitful labourers in the vineyard of the Lord bearing justice, integrity and love to all. Lord, in your mercy.

We pray for those who lead and govern the nations of this world.  May the Holy Spirit guide them to be wise in their judgements and honest in all that they do, so that fear, hatred and oppression may give way to reconciliation, peace and harmony.   Lord, in your mercy.

We pray for all those who work on the land, at sea, in the city and in industry and for those tasked to make decisions about the world’s resources.  May we all enjoy the fruits of our labours and marvel at your creation as the harvest is gathered in and the seasons turn once again. Lord, in your mercy.

We pray for those who have died and those whose anniversaries occur at this time.  May the light of Christ draw them to Him that their sins may be forgiven and eternal peace be theirs in His presence. Lord, in your mercy.

October is dedicated to the saying of the rosary and so we turn to Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, asking her to join our prayers with hers as we say: Hail Mary

Let us pray quietly for our own personal intentions.


God, our loving Father, we ask you to hear our prayers which we make in faith, hope and love and in the name of Jesus Christ , your Son, our Lord and Saviour.

26th Sunday of the Year: Bidding Prayers / Prayer of the Faithful / Intercessions

Intercessions for Sunday 26th Sunday of Year A


Let us pray to God our Father who gave us life and provides for all our needs.


For his Holiness Pope Benedict XV1 and for the bishops of the church that together with the leaders of all the world’s religions they will guide us into the Lords vineyard with tolerance and respect for others, and so search together for ways of peace between nations.Lord, hear us.

We pray for all who are stubborn of heart and will, 
that God's loving grace may move them to change to the path of truth.
Lord, hear us.

At the start of the new term in our seminaries we pray especially for all who may be called to enter the Priesthood, Diaconate or Consecrated life and for each one of us here whatever our vocation, that may we have the courage and generosity to answer your call. Lord, hear us.

At this harvest time we pray for all who work on the land, may their labour be blessed by God and may they be given suitable weather for the growth and harvesting of their crops which will provide food for themselves and for others. Lord, hear us.

We pray for those who have died and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time.  May they experience the everlasting joy of God's heavenly kingdom. Lord, hear us.

Let us now turn to our Lady, the mother of Jesus to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary....

Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.


Lord, Jesus your Son who humbled himself to the condition of a slave for our sake. We pray that our prayers be granted his name. Amen.

25th Sunday of the Year: Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

The Priest says:

Through the Gospel, the Lord Jesus calls us to share in his glory. Let us make our prayer with him to the Father for the needs of the Church and of the world.


We pray for all nations, that they may seek the way that leads to peace, that human rights and freedom may be everywhere respected, and that the world's resources may be generously shared.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for ourselves, that in the coming week we may serve others in our work, and find peace when we rest.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those in need and those who care for them, that Christ may bring them comfort and strength.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the faithful departed, that through God's mercy they may rest in peace.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We ask Our Lady to pray for us. Hail Mary...

Let us pray in silence for our own needs.

The priest concludes the prayers:

Father, hear the prayers of the family you have gathered here before you. In mercy and love unite all your children, wherever they may be. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

24th Sunday of the Year: Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

The Priest says:

Let us ask the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name, to send the Spirit of his Son into our hearts as we pray for the needs of the Church and of the world.


O Lord, the creator and redeemer of all mankind, we humbly pray for all men of every race and in every kind of need: make your ways known to them, and reveal your salvation to the nations.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

May the whole Church be guided and governed by your Holy Spirit, let all who call themselves Christians be led into the way of truth and hold the faith in the unity of Spirit.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We commend to your fatherly goodness all who are afflicted or distressed, comfort and relieve them according to their needs, and grant them the love and consolation of your Spirit.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Father, give a place of life and rest to those who have died in your peace, may we share with them in the glory of Jesus Christ, who died to save us all.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Our Lady is the Mother of the Church and shows her care for us all by her prayers. We join our prayers with hers as we say: Hail Mary...

In a moment of silence, let us make our private petitions to God our almighty Father.

The priest concludes the prayers:

Father, hear the prayers of your Church. In your great love, make up for what is lacking in our faith. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful


The Lord is the rock who saves us, let us come before him with confidence as we pray to him for our needs and the needs of the world.


For our clergy and those devoted to the religious life:
Let us pray for all our priests, deacons, nuns and brothers that they may be given the grace to continue their ministry refreshed and with renewed hope.
(pause) Lord, in your mercy

Guide and bless our children and teachers at the commencement of the school year.  
(pause) Lord, in your mercy

For everyone struggling with the effects of the economic downturn:
We pray for those having to deal with unexpected redundancy and cuts in income. Whenever possible enable us to help each other, particularly when desperation puts unbearable stresses on family relationships 

(pause) Lord, in your mercy

Let us pray for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, may they be cared for with, gentleness and patience
(pause) Lord, in your mercy

God grant eternal rest to all who have died especially we remember those who have no-one to pray for them.
(pause) Lord, in your mercy

Let us ask Mary, the great defender of the poor, to pray for us as we say - Hail Mary.

Let us pray silently for our own intentions.


Loving Father, listen to these prayers and the prayers of our hearts and grant that what we ask in faith we may obtain through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.