Bidding Prayers / Intercessions for Advent 2

As children of our caring, heavenly Father, let us pray.
For all Christians throughout the world that they may simply and wholeheartedly follow Christ, so that their lives witness to the beauty and peace of his kingdom.
Lord, hear us. 
For all world leaders, governments and their advisers; that they may be inspired to lead their people wisely and fairly, with understanding and sensitivity.  
Lord, hear us. 
For our own families and loved ones, especially for any from whom we are separated; that we may learn to see Christ in each face, and serve him in caring for each other. 
Lord, hear us. 
For those who suffer in any way, that our own personal experience of suffering may be an occasion for better understanding of the situation,  unease and pain which is the lot of many people who are homeless, alone, sick or aged, and stir us all to give them generous help. Lord, hear us.
For those departed this life, especially Bill Curley and Kitty Hamilton, who died recently, and for all whose anniversaries fall at this time, may they rest in peace with Christ, and rise with him in glory.
Lord, hear us. 
We join our prayers with Our Lady as we say: Hail Mary ...
Now let us pray for a moment in silence
The Priest:
Father of all time and place, 
accept these prayers 
through your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

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