Bidding Prayers / Intercessions for the Baptism of the Lord

The Baptism of The Lord

The Priest introduces the prayers:
Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us pray together for the needs of the Church and of the world.

We pray for the universal Church that is baptised in the Holy Spirit:
that ministering in the name of the Lord it will not break the crushed reed nor quench the wavering flame. 
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us pray for all who are discouraged in their life and work,
that they may know again the favour of the Lord and our own encouragement and support. 
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the sick and those who care for them,
that the Spirit of God may be their guide and strength. 
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those departed this life,
that God, who called each of us by name, may call all the departed to his heavenly Kingdom. 
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us. 

Let us join our prayers with the prayers of Our Blessed Lady. 
Hail Mary .

In silence we make our private prayers to God.

The Priest concludes the prayers:
God our Father, you free those who live in darkness with the light of your truth. Speak your life-giving word to us again, that we may live in the wisdom that is yours alone. We ask this through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This site is so helpful for our Polish Priest who have come to this country to learn the language Thank you