Intercessions (Bidding Prayers) for Lent 5

Lent Five

The Priest introduces the prayers:
My brothers and sisters, as Easter draws near, let us earnestly pray to the Lord, that we who are baptised, and the entire world, may come to share fully in the life which Christ brings us through his suffering, death and resurrection.

We pray for the Church, the Body of Christ,
that she may continue to proclaim the saving power of Christ's cross and resurrection, by which we are raised from the death of sin to the new life of grace.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those who hold public office,
that they may appreciate that the things of this world have only passing value, and realise the immortal destiny of man, which was gained by Christ's saving death and resurrection.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those who suffer or are in sorrow,
that they may believe through faith that sufferings are taken up by Christ into his resurrection, so that the Cross is forever buried in the glory of the tomb.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray with Mary, who stood by the cross of her Son: Hail Mary .

In a moment of silence we make our own petitions.

The Priest concludes the prayers:
Father, have mercy on your Church in its need, hear the prayers we offer with all our hearts, and never abandon the people who share your life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Lent Four (Mothering Sunday) Bidding Prayers / Intercessions

Lent Four
 is Mothering Sunday in the UK

The Priest introduces the prayers:
My brothers and sisters in Christ, it was God our Father's will that his Son should share family life with Mary and Joseph, that he will continue to enrich our homes with his love and his grace.

We pray for all mothers throughout the world,
may they experience the joy and appreciation of those they have brought into the world, and may they be blessed today as they are surrounded by a loving family.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the family of the Church,
may all Christians remember that they are brothers and sisters in Christ, and so learn to live in harmony with one another.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the sick and those who care for them,
for the unemployed, the homeless, the widowed and orphaned; that the strains which adversity put upon family life may be borne with patience and trust in God.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those departed this life,
may all families be reunited in the Kingdom of God.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us turn in prayer to Mary, Mother of all Christians: Hail Mary .

In silence, we make our private prayers.

The Priest concludes the prayers:
Father, in union with Mary, our Mother, we make all our prayers to you, confident that you will hear and answer them.
Through Christ our Lord.

Bidding Prayers/Intercession for 3rd Sunday of Lent (Lent 3)

Intercessions 3rd Sunday of Lent 15th March 2009

Priest: God our Father, you give us just laws
but the world is filled with lack of justice.
We turn to you with our needs and prayers.

Reader: 1. We pray for the Church that Christians may live according to their baptismal commitment, and through their holiness,
bring others to know God's unconditional love for them.
(Pause) Lord in your mercy.

2. We pray for the many places in our world that are fractured
and divided by race, language or culture.
May all peoples recognize each other as brothers and sisters.
(Pause) Lord in your mercy.

3. We pray for lawmakers throughout the world.
May they enact laws that are just and which respect the gift of human life, especially for the rights and dignity of the unborn, the sick and the elderly.
(Pause) Lord in your mercy...

4. We pray for our parish community.
May Lent enable us to be truly reconciled to each other
and to God through faith, hope and love.
(Pause) Lord in your mercy...

May Mary, Mother of the Church join her prayers to ours as we pray. Hail Mary...

Let us pray for a few moments in silence

Priest: Father,
we thank you for the gift of your Son as the Saviour of the world.
We ask you to answer our prayers
and give us a share in your life for ever and ever.
We make our prayers in the name of the same Jesus Christ our Lord.

Bidding Prayers (Intercessions) for Lent 2

2nd Sunday of Lent


God's call to take the journey in faith is rewarded with the promise of new life. Faith is as difficult today as it was at the time of Abraham. Let us focus on that final promise of salvation.


May the glory of Christ proclaimed by the Church be a constant source of wonder and joy for the whole world.
We pray especially for those who are preparing to receive the sacraments. May we be ever thankful for the gift of the Eucharist, the presence to us of our glorified Lord, and commit ourselves more and more to him each day.
Lord in your mercy...

Let us pray that the nations of the world may have the courage to work together for peace, justice and reconciliation;
we pray especially for peace in the Holy Land.
Lord in your mercy...

We pray for all the children of Abraham - for Jews, Christians and Muslims - that we may recognise our common belief in the one God, and treat each other with dignity and respect. We pray especially for understanding, peace and harmony among faiths in this area.
Lord in your mercy...

Let us pray for ourselves, that may we have the courage and the trust to follow God wherever he leads us in this life.
Lord in your mercy...

May Mary, who was ever responsive to the Word of God, join her prayers to ours as we pray: Hail Mary...

Let us pray for a few moments in silence.


Father, enable us to see, as Abraham did, the wonder of your promise.
Give us the courage to take that path which leads to eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.