Priest: Today, as we celebrate the assumption of Mary into heaven,
we in the Church on earth make our prayers for the needs
of the church and the world to God our loving Father.
Reader: 1. Let us pray for the Church throughout the world
that it may follow Mary's example of humble service.
We pray especially for the missionary church.
Lord hear us
2. Let us pray for all Christian mothers
that they may bring up their children
to know their heavenly Father and that they may joyfully teach them of God's love. Lord hear us
3. Let us pray for all those who care for and love
their disturbed or handicapped children.
Lord hear us
4. May God bless all those who use this church to pray,
to search or simply rest. May He grant them the gift of peace
Lord hear us
We praise God with our Lady, saying "The Lord has done marvels for me".
We ask her help in prayer as we sing the Salve Regina
In a few moments of silence let us place all our concerns before the Lord
Priest: Lord, you gave Mary the strength to stand
beneath the cross of Jesus,
and you filled her with joy at his resurrection.
May we share her strength and come to share her present glory
We make all our prayers through Jesus Christ our Lord.