Advent 2 (December 9th)


We turn to the God of hope, strong in our trust in him.


Let us pray for the Pope, and for bishops and priests everywhere,
that they may be fearless and inspiring in their preaching of God's Word.
Lord, in your mercy.

Let us pray for ourselves,
that we may listen to God's Word with open and generous hearts.
Lord, in your mercy.

Let us pray for those who live without hope
that they may discover the Good News of the coming of the Son of God
and find their hearts lifted up anew.
Lord, in your mercy.

Let us pray that Christian people will do all in their power
to spread the Kingdom of justice, peace and love.
Lord. in your mercy.

Let us ask for the prayerful support of Mary, Mother of the King of Kings:
Hail, Mary.


Lord, help us to make these days of Advent special days when we strive by prayer, by scripture reading but above all by the way we live our lives to prepare a worthy welcome for Christ our Saviour and King. We make our prayer through the same Christ, our Lord.