Ordinary Time Sunday 24 17th September 2006


Let us pray for the gift of faith, that we may trust the Lord
and follow him, even in suffering and in death.
We ask him for the needs of the world,
in the knowledge that God’s ways are not easy to accept.


1. Let us pray for the Church in this diocese,
for her work in evangelising to the people of this area,
for her witness to the Lord through her ministry of care
to those in need, through individuals
and through organisations as the Father Hudson’s Society
Lord in your mercy

2. Let us pray for peace and justice in the world,
especially for the Middle East, Afghanistan and Africa.
May the Holy Spirit guide and bless those working for peace
and those helping the victims of violence.
Lord in your mercy

3. We pray for the terminally ill and the dying
that they may find strength and comfort through faith.
Lord in your mercy

4. We pray for ourselves that we may be inspired
to manifest our faith by the good works that we do.
May the Lord help us to serve those who need our help.
Lord in your mercy

Let us ask Mary to help us to stand, as she did, by the cross of Jesus. Hail Mary.

Let us pray for a few moments in silence.


Father, we thank you for giving us your Son
so that we may have the courage to follow in his footsteps
and so share in his glory.
We make our prayers in his name, Jesus Christ the Lord

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