Easter 2 (Divine Mercy Sunday) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Easter 2 (Divine Mercy Sunday)
“Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.”. (John 20:29)

Let us turn to God asking for all our needs and the needs of the Church and of all mankind.

For the merciful mission of the Church in the World.
May we proclaim the mercy of God for the whole of humanity, serving especially the poorest and the weakest, thereby opening up new horizons of hope.
Lord, hear us.

For those beset with doubt or lost in unbelief:
may they come to faith, trust and love of God, and know the unlimited joy of Easter.
Lord, hear us.

For politicians and all in positions of authority throughout the world:
may they value faith in God, and promote the peaceful signs and symbols of religion.
Lord, hear us.

For all the holy souls:
the recently departed, our own loved ones and all those with anniversaries at this time;
may we all dwell eternally with our risen Lord.
Lord, hear us.

Let us ask Our Lady to join her prayers to ours as we say - Hail Mary

In silence let us bring our own intentions to God.

Easter Sunday : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Easter Sunday
Why look among the dead for someone who is alive? (Luke 24:5)

Jesus our saviour is risen from the dead! This is the bedrock of our Christian faith, so with confidence we place our needs in the hands of the Father.

For the Church.
May all Christians rejoice in the resurrection of Christ and, as they renew their baptismal faith in him, may they be strengthened in the Holy Spirit. Lord, hear us..

For true and lasting peace in our world.
May the Risen Christ bring the gifts of peace and reconciliation to all situations of violence, hatred and division. Lord, hear us..

For all who have been received into the Church this Easter,
and for all who have received the new life of baptism.
(We pray especially for NnNn) May they grow daily in faith, hope and love. Lord, hear us..

For the sick and housebound members of the parish.
May the Risen Lord be present with them, and comfort them with the reassurance of his love.
Lord, hear us.

For those who have died, especially for those who have died recently.
May the Risen Lord greet them with love and mercy and grant them the joy of his kingdom.
Lord, hear us.

May Mary, who knew the peace and joy of this day, join her prayers to ours as we pray, Hail Mary

In silence, let us bring our own particular intentions to the Lord.
God our Father, who raised Jesus from the dead,
hear our prayers and if they are in accordance with your will for us
grant them through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Palm Sunday : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Palm Sunday

God the Father sent His son Jesus to redeem the world through His suffering and death, let us offer Him our prayers for the whole of humanity.

For Pope Francis, that he is renewed and inspired by this Lenten season and is given the strength to continue to lead us wisely
Lord, hear us.

For all Christians; may we all embrace the joy of this Holy Week with a commitment to repent of past sins.
Lord, hear us.

For our parish, that priests, deacons and laity each bring their gifts into our community to enable us to support each other and grow in faith together.
Lord, hear us.

We pray for those who have died. May they experience everlasting joy in the father’s kingdom
Lord, hear us.

We seek the intercession of Our Blessed Lady, Help of Christians as we say. Hail Mary

In the silence of our hearts we pray for our own personal intentions.

Father as you allowed your Son to suffer for our salvation
answer our prayers and grant us the grace to follow the example of Jesus,
for he is Lord for ever and ever

Fifth Sunday of Lent : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

As Easter draws near, we turn in hope to our loving Father, who is present here with us, as we bring before Him our prayers and concerns for the Church and for the world.

For the Church, Pope Francis, all bishops, priests, deacons and consecrated people:
may they faithfully fulfil the role bestowed on them, to preach God’s covenant to the world.
Lord, hear us.

For all those who are preparing to receive the sacraments:
may this sacrament strengthen their love
so that they may continue to grow in their faith and be faithful witnesses to God’s word.
Lord, hear us..

For peace and harmony in a troubled world.
may the coming glories of the resurrection bring reconciliation,
and inspire true and lasting peace.
Lord, hear us.

For all those who feel isolated, or on the edge of society:
May the Lord help us to respond with generosity and kindness.
Lord, hear us..

For those who have died:
may they be held in the light of God’s love;
and for those who are suffering from the loss of a loved one:
may they be comforted by the loving presence of Christ.
Lord, hear us.

We turn to Our Lady, refuge of sinners, as we pray: Hail Mary …

In silence we now make our personal petitions to the Lord.

Heavenly Father,
we ask you to listen to our prayers with love
and grant all our needs
through Christ our Lord. Amen