Easter 2 (Divine Mercy Sunday)
“Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.”. (John 20:29)
Let us turn to God asking for all our needs and the needs of the Church and of all mankind.
For the merciful mission of the Church in the World.
May we proclaim the mercy of God for the whole of humanity, serving especially the poorest and the weakest, thereby opening up new horizons of hope.
Lord, hear us.
For those beset with doubt or lost in unbelief:
may they come to faith, trust and love of God, and know the unlimited joy of Easter.
Lord, hear us.
For politicians and all in positions of authority throughout the world:
may they value faith in God, and promote the peaceful signs and symbols of religion.
Lord, hear us.
For all the holy souls:
the recently departed, our own loved ones and all those with anniversaries at this time;
may we all dwell eternally with our risen Lord.
Lord, hear us.
Let us ask Our Lady to join her prayers to ours as we say - Hail Mary
In silence let us bring our own intentions to God.