Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The little girl got up at once and began to walk about (Mark 5:42)

God our Father wants all humankind to be saved and calls us to the knowledge of the truth. Let us turn to Him in prayer for our needs and the needs of the world

We pray for Pope Francis, the Bishops, all the clergy and religious,
that they may be guided by Christ, the Light of the world,
and so inspire all who look to them for leadership and direction
Lord, hear us.

We pray for all who hold public office and positions of authority:
that the Holy Spirit of wisdom and right judgement may guide their decision-making
to foster respect, justice and peace.
Lord, hear us.

For men and women, everywhere:
that they may all come to recognise God's invitation to share in his life
and respond to his call with joy.
Lord, hear us.

For those who are sick and those who care for them
For the poor and those who find it hard to make ends meet:
that God may move the hearts of those who are comfortable and secure
to undertake the works of mercy for those who are in need.
Lord, hear us.

For those who have died recently:
that they may experience the joy of new life in the risen Christ.
Lord, hear us.

We now turn to Our Lady and ask her to intercede for us as we say together Hail Mary…

In a moment of quiet reflection we bring our own prayers and petitions before the Lord.

Heavenly Father, Shepherd of your people, in your love and compassion hear our prayers and make us always eager to serve you in faith, hope and love, now and forevermore. Amen

Birthday of John the Baptist : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Birthday of John the Baptist
June 24th

The Priest says:
Brothers and sisters, John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus into a world divided and torn apart by sin. Let us now pray that Jesus will complete his work of reconciliation, bringing peace to all peoples and nations.

We pray for the Church,
may her leaders and all her members live out the call of John the Baptist to repentance, putting God first in everything, and seeking his kingdom in every situation.
Lord, hear us.

We pray for the world in which we live,
may those responsible for the evil and cruelty in our world hear the voice of the Baptist today, and turn from their sin to live in the service of Christ.
Lord, hear us.

We pray for all those in need,
may all those who suffer find comfort in sorrow and strength in trials.
Lord, hear us.

We pray for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith,
may the Lord keep all the holy souls in his loving care, and bring them to share in his eternal kingdom.
Lord, hear us.

With love, Our Lady supporst us by her prayers. We join with her: as we say Hail Mary .

Let us bring our prayers to the Father.

The priest concludes the prayers:
Father, as John the Baptist announced the coming of your kingdom, may we be faithful witnesses in our day. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Corpus Christi (B) : Universall Prayer : Bidding Prayers : Prayer of the Faithful

Corpus Christi (B) 


In this great feast of Corpus Christi, bread is made flesh by words from heaven: may the merciful Father hear the petitions we now make and transform our lives with his love. 


Let us pray for all Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. May we never cease to see in this bread of life, the living body which is our food.
Lord, hear us. 

For an increased devotion to the Eucharist, where we are truly present at the Last Supper and the Banquet of Heaven. May the Eucharist we share bring us reconciliation, love and hope.
Lord, hear us. 

For peace in the world; we remember [especially …  and] all affected by the horrors of war, conflict, violence and terrorism. May governments have regard for the poor and vulnerable in the decisions they take.
Lord, hear us. 

For the sick, especially those approaching the end of their earthly lives: 

may Christ may be present to them in their suffering, and may they be able to welcome his sacramental presence at the hour of their death.
Lord, hear us. 

For all the holy souls: 

May they all come to share in the eternal banquet of heaven. 

Lord, hear us. 

We ask Mary, Mother of the Lord, to intercede with us for all God’s people, living and dead, as we say together: Hail Mary … 

We pray in silence for our private intentions. 


Heavenly Father, in the action of this mass you take the lowly gifts of earth and transform them into the food of heaven: take our prayers today, our woes and our joys, and transform them into everlasting joy. We make this prayer through the Host of saving power, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.