Pentecost : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful




Inspired by the Holy Spirit, let us turn to God for all our needs. 


The Deacon or Reader:

For Pope Francis, Archbishop Bernard and his auxiliary bishops. May the Lord bless them with the gift of the Holy Spirit and so guide them in their work.
Lord, hear us. 

Let us pray that we, the church, should be inspired by the fellowship of the Holy Spirit so our everyday lives may be a witness to God’s love.
Lord, hear us. 

For those in need: refugees, captives, those held in slavery, especially women and children and for the healing of those who have found freedom
Lord, hear us. 

For all those who are sick, that the Lord may guide them and strengthen them through their illness. For those also who care for the sick, those engaged in the caring professions and for family members who look after loved ones and especially for children who care for parents.
Lord, hear us. .

For those who have died and received the healing sacrament in this life,. May the Lord greet them with love and mercy and grant them the happiness of his kingdom. Lord, hear us. 

Let us turn to Our Lady, to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary...

Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.



God our Father,
we pray that you will accept these prayers
through the grace of your Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ.

Fifth Sunday of Easter : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Fifth Sunday of Easter : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Jesus teaches us that we depend on the love of God and one another.  With courage and faith, let us present our needs to our Father.


For the Church: that she may continue to make Jesus known to the world through words of hope and works of love.
Lord, hear us


For our bishops, priests and deacons: that they may be fruitful branches of Jesus, the life-giving vine, and that they may never fail to proclaim the Gospel even in the face of adversity or trial
Lord, hear us.


For wisdom and dedication to the common good in all who seek to be MP’S or councillors in the forthcoming elections.
Lord, hear us.


For the people of Nepal, those caught up in the dreadful earthquake, that they will be helped on coping with their losses and helped in the rebuilding of their lives, both by God and humanity
Lord, hear us.


For those who have died, especially those whose anniversaries occur at this time, may they be granted the fullness of life and joy in heaven.
Lord, hear us.


With Mary, who already shares in the resurrection, we pray, Hail Mary ...


Now, let us make our private petitions to our heavenly Father.


Heavenly Father, the vine grower, we ask that your Spirit may work in and through us to make us branches that bear much fruit for your kingdom.  We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.