Ss Peter and Paul: Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful


Jesus brought healing, comfort and new life to those who believed. Let us join our prayers of intercession for our needs and the needs of the world.


For Pope Francis, the Church and her leaders: may they continue to be a sign of faith to all people in a world faced with sadness and strife. Lord in your mercy

For our priests and deacons: May their lives of service and that of all priests, deacons and religious, be an inspiration and lead to an increase in vocations. Lord in your mercy

For our Parish: may we continue actively to encourage others to share their gifts, energy and enthusiasm with our Church, so that our community of faith may be a living example of the mystery of God’s presence among us. Lord in your mercy

We pray for the sick and housebound who are with us here in spirit. We also remember all who have died and whose anniversaries occur about this time. May they enjoy the eternal light of your risen glory. Lord in your mercy

We now pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts.

Let us now ask Mary to pray for us as we pray Hail Mary…


Loving Father, you are always near to us. Hear these prayers which we make with confidence in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.