The Priest says:
With confidence in God Our Father, we turn to him in prayer for all our needs.
We pray for Pope Benedict XVI
may he be guided and strengthened by God,
and provide an inspiration and an example to us all.
Lord in your mercy
We pray that we may have the strength and courage
to follow in the way of Christ,
to keep his commandments,
and to give encouragement
to those who seek his paths.
Lord in your mercy,
We pray for those in special need throughout the world:
those without food, those without shelter.
We pray especially for those suffering through injustice and tyranny.
Lord in your mercy
We pray for all those studying hard for exams at schools and colleges, may they be comforted at this stressful time
and achieve what they are aiming for.
Lord in your mercy
Finally we pray for all who have died, our families and friends, and those who have died alone. May they now be enjoying the peace and joy of your Kingdom.
Lord in your mercy
On this the final week of May, Our Lady’s month, let us ask her to pray for us and with us as we say. Hail Mary…
Lord God,
we ask you to listen to the prayers we make today in faith
through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.