Supported by the prayers of all the saints, let us make intercession for ourselves and for all the faithful.
For Archbishop Bernard, his assistant bishops and for all priests may the Lord keep them all close to his heart and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity Lord in your mercy
Let us pray for the leaders of our city, our country and our world, that they may accept gospel values as the guiding principles in their decision-making. Lord in your mercy
For those who hunger and thirst for justice, that they will be satisfied. Lord in your mercy
For those who are persecuted because they live by the values stated in the Beatitudes, that they may experience the presence of the Lord in their suffering and know that we Christians support them as well. Lord in your mercy
Let us pray also for ourselves that each of us may support the faith of the other by living as God's children, Lord in your mercy.
Let us pray for all who have died, and for all those we love who and have gone before us and who have been faithful witnesses to gospel values. May they rest in peace Lord in your mercy
We turn now to our Lady and ask her to intercede for all of us as we say: Hail Mary…
Let us now pray for our own needs and requests to the Lord in a time of silent prayer.
Hear our prayers of intercession for all your Creation, which we make in faith, hope and love, through Jesus Christ our Lord: Amen