First Sunday of Lent Year B Bidding Prayers (Intercessions)

Lent One

The Priest introduces the prayers:
God wills that, through Christ, we should all be saved. We pray to him that, though damaged by the effects of sin, we may change our lives, and turn again to our Father to ask forgiveness for our sins.

We pray for the Church, with her mission of forgiveness,
that she may help everyone to recognise sin for what it is, something which destroys our loving relationship with God, and with each other.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those who undergo difficult temptations in their daily lives,
that they may learn from the temptations of Jesus that the devil can be conquered, and that temptation in itself is not a sin.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the sick and those who care for them,
that they may trust in God's loving mercy, and turn again to God, who alone has the power to heal and save.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those departed this life,
that God may bring them from the darkness of death to the dawn of new life.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray with our Lady as we say: Hail Mary, .

Let us pray to our heavenly Father in a moment of silence.

The Priest concludes the prayers:
Father, through the disobedience of Adam, we were made sinners. Through our obedience to you this Lent, may we repent of our sins.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Bidding Prayers (Intercessions) for Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

The Priest introduces the prayers:
My brothers and sisters, Lent puts before us the whole mystery of salvation, through which God's merciful love is revealed in Jesus Christ. We ask God our Father for his help that we may use this season of preparation for Easter wisely and well.

We pray for the Church and her members,
let them not neglect the grace they have received, but turn again to the Lord in fervent prayer and repentance.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the leaders of the world,
let them understand that man does not live by bread alone, and seek, by their laws, a deeper meaning to life by reconciling all men to each other.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those who are caught in the snare of sin,
let them be faithful to the Gospel which will bring about in them a change of heart, and turning again to the light of grace, let them abandon the ways of sin.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the members of this congregation,
let the giving of ashes today be a sign to us that material things will disappear, and help us to give more attention to the things of the spirit.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Mary's life was filled with prayer, with her we pray. Hail Mary .

We pray for a moment in silence.

The Priest concludes the prayers:
Father, complete your work of spiritual renewal during Lent, and throughout the years ahead, as we spend our lives in your loving, prayerful service. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

7th Sunday of the Year - Year B

Seventh Sunday of the Year

The Priest says:
Through the Gospel, the Lord Jesus calls us to share in his glory. Let us make our prayer with him to the Father for the needs of the Church and of the world.

We pray for all nations,
that they may seek the way that leads to peace, that human rights and freedom may be everywhere respected, and that the world's resources may be generously shared. Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the Church,
that her leaders may be faithful ministers of your word and sacraments, that all her members may be strong in faith and hope, and that God may be recognised in the love she bears to all.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those in need and those who care for them,
that Christ may bring them comfort and strength.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the faithful departed,
that through God's mercy they may rest in peace.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We ask Our Lady to pray for us. Hail Mary.

Let us pray in silence for our own needs.

The priest concludes the prayers:
Father, hear the prayers of the family you have gathered here before you. In mercy and love unite all your children, wherever they may be. Through Christ our Lord.

6th Sunday of Year B

The Priest says:
Let us ask the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name, to send the Spirit of his Son into our hearts as we pray for the needs of the Church and of the world.
O Lord, the creator and redeemer of all mankind, 
we humbly pray for all people of every race and in every kind of need:
make your ways known to them, and reveal your salvation to the nations.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
We commend to your fatherly goodness all who are afflicted or distressed,
comfort and relieve them according to their needs, and grant them the love and consolation of your Spirit.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
Father, give a place of life and rest to those who have died in your peace,
may we share with them in the glory of Jesus Christ, who died to save us all.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us. 
Our Lady is the Mother of the Church and shows her care for us all by her prayers. We join our prayers with hers as we say: Hail Mary.
In a moment of silence, 
let us make our private petitions to God our almighty Father.
The priest concludes the prayers:
Father, hear the prayers of your Church. In your great love, make up for what is lacking in our faith. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fifth Sunday of the Year

The Priest says:
Let us call with faith upon God our Father, through Jesus Christ his beloved Son, in the Holy Spirit, who inspires our prayer, for the needs of the Church and of the world.

We pray for the Holy Church of God,
that the Lord may always guide and protect his Church,
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for all the peoples of the world,
that the Lord may unite all peoples in peace and harmony,
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for all our brothers and sisters in need and those who care for them,
that the Lord may assist them in their need.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for all married couples and those preparing for marriage,
that they may treasure the covenant of marriage
rejoice in their love
and receive all the graces they need to overcome difficulty.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for all who have gone to their rest in the hope of rising again,
that they may come into the light of God's presence,
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Now let us joining our prayers with the prayers of Our Lady: Hail Mary.

We make our private petitions to God in a moment of silence.

The priest concludes the prayers:
Father, we come before you in faith and love to praise your goodness and acknowledge our need. We ask you to hear the prayers we make in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.