22nd Sunday of the Year

The Priest says:
Let us pray for the whole Church of God in Christ Jesus, and for all people according to their needs.

For the world in which we live,
O God, the creator and preserver of all mankind, we pray for those of every race, and in every kind of need; make your ways known on earth, your saving power among all nations. Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for your Church through the world,
guide and govern us by your Holy Spirit, that all who profess and call themselves Christians may be led into the way of truth, and hold the faith in the unity of Spirit, in the bond of peace and righteousness of life.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those in need and those who care for them,
We commend to your fatherly goodness all who are anxious or distressed in mind or body; comfort and relive them in their need; give them patience in their sufferings, and bring good out of their troubles.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the departed,
Hear us as we pray for those who have died in the peace of Christ, those who have confessed the faith, and those whose faith is known to you alone, and grant us with them a share in your eternal kingdom.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us ask Our Lady to pray for us. Hail Mary ...

In silence, let us make our private intentions to God our Father.

The priest concludes the prayers:
Almighty God, to whom our needs are known before we ask, help us ask only what accords with your will; and those good things which we dare not, or in our blindness cannot ask, grant us for the sake of your son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Twenty-first Sunday of the Year

Twenty-first Sunday of the Year

The Priest says:
My brothers and sisters, God our Father wants all mankind to be saved, and call us to the knowledge of the truth. Let us pray to him with all our hearts.

For the Holy Catholic Church,
that pastors may lead in faith and serve in love the flock which has been entrusted to their care, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For the peoples of the world,
that the whole world may rejoice in the blessing of true peace, the peace which Christ himself gives to us, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For those in need and for those who care for them,
that our suffering brothers and sisters may have their sorrow turned into lasting joy, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For the souls of those killed in the air disaster in Madrid, for the injured, the bereaved and the medical and emergency agencies,
that in the midst of sorrow they may know the comfort of Christ's love.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us ask Our Lady, to bring our prayers before the presence of the Father: Hail Mary ...

We make our own petitions in silence.

The priest concludes the prayers:
Almighty and eternal God, maker of all things in heaven and earth: mercifully accept the prayers of your people, and strengthen us to do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Twentieth Sunday of the Year

The Priest says:
Gathered together in Christ as brothers and sisters, let us call to mind God's many blessings and ask him to hear the prayers which he himself inspires us to ask.

For all bishops and priests and the people they have been called to serve,
let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For harmony between the peoples of different races and nations,
especially we pray for peace between Russia & Georgia.
that the harmony and human achievement of the Olympic celebration
may be an example and inspiration to all people
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For all who suffer oppression, exploitation, sickness,
for those in anxiety and for all who tend to their needs,
let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For all of us gathered here in this holy place in faith, reverence and the love of God, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us unite our prayers with the perpetual intercession of Our Lady as we say: Hail Mary ...

We pray for a moment in silence.

The priest concludes the prayers:
God of love, our refuge and strength, hear the prayers of your Church, and grant us today what we ask of you in faith. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Assumption of Our Lady (August 15th)

The Priest introduces the prayers:
As we give thanks for the Assumption of Our Lady into heaven, let us pray that all things on earth may be made perfect by God, as we pray for the needs of the Church and of the world.

For the Church,
that our Church may give yet greater honour to Mary, Mother of Christ our God, and respond to God's will as she did.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For the peoples of the world,
may Mary protect them all with her prayers,
and may God grant them peace and justice.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For all those who suffer and those who care for them,
as Mary knew the agony of her son's suffering when she stood at the foot of the cross, may God bless all those who suffer with the reassurance that he will deliver them from all evil.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For those who have died,
may they follow Mary and all the saints into the glory of the heavenly Kingdom.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us join our prayers with the prayers of our Lady.
Hail Mary...

Let us pray for a moment in silence.

The priest concludes the prayers:
Almighty and Eternal God, may we have the same faith as Mary, who trusted perfectly in your word, that you may hear our prayers and answer them. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Nineteenth Sunday of the Year

The Priest introduces the prayers:
Jesus gives us courage and calls upon us never to fear. He sustains us against the perils of the world, the flesh and the devil, if we only we place our trust in him.

For the Catholic Church in all the world, especially in China,
that the Holy Spirit will guide and inspire the leaders of the Church, and render all her enemies powerless.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For peace and justice in the world,
for a just end to the conflict between Russia and Georgia
that the burning of the Olympic flame in Beijing may be a beacon of hope
for peace and harmony in a world of declining resources and increasing demand
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For all missionaries, who bring the Gospel to those who have not heard it
and sustain communities and peoples in difficulty;
that they may have courage to continue their mission.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For the sick and those who care for them,
that those who feel God is distant from them
may take courage from his words - Do not fear!
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Now let us pray with Mary, Mother of all Christians: Hail Mary...

We make our own prayers in moment of silence.

The priest concludes the prayers:
O God, the creator of life and author of every good thing, give courage and strength to those who struggle with the trials of life, that they may always place hope in your love.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Eighteenth Sunday of the Year

Eighteenth Sunday of the Year

The Priest says:
My brothers and sisters, in baptism each of us was sealed as a child of God and received a share in the priesthood of Christ. Now we ask God for the grace to live and work as faithful Christians.

For the Church,
that the Holy Spirit may inspire all Christians to make their faith known to all men, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For those in authority,
that the rulers of all countries may seek the paths to peace, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For those who are in need and for those who care for them,
that they may know the comforting support of the Mother of God, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

For those who have died,
that they may find eternal salvation, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray with Mary, Mother of God. Hail Mary ...

In a moment of silence, let us make our private prayers to God.

The priest concludes the prayers:
Almighty Father, may your Church, which owes its unity to the Holy Spirit, be immune to the attacks of its enemies and, just as Christ triumphed over death, may your Church emerge victorious over evil. We ask this through Christ our Lord.