Feast of the Holy Family (A) : The Universal Prayer / Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Feast of the Holy Family (A)


On this feast of the Holy Family we bring our requests to God, our loving father.


For the church.  May its common life and teaching always reflect and put into effect the example of the Holy Family.
Lord hear us

For parents; that in a spirit of generosity and love, they may be strengthened in their vocation, Lord hear us.

For refugees in all parts of the world, who, like the Holy Family, cannot return home for fear for their lives or for their safety. May they be received with kindness in foreign lands and supported in their endeavours to build a new life 
Lord hear us.

For those who have died and whose anniversaries occur at this time, 
May they be blessed with God’s favour. 
Lord hear us.

Let us ask Mary, loving wife and mother to pray for us,  as we say. Hail Mary.

In silence we thank God for our blessings and ask him to hear our personal prayers.


Merciful Father, we beg you, hear and answer all our prayers 
which we bring to you in faith and love 
through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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