Second Sunday of Advent : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful


With readiness to welcome Christ, who comes each day by His grace, we now present our needs to the Father.



For the Church, that like a herald’s voice in the desert, it may never cease proclaiming what is true and just, even when unpopular. Lord in your mercy

For the repose of the soul of Nelson Mandela: that peace and reconciliation will be his living legacy to people throughout the world. Lord in your mercy

Christ showed his love for the sick, the poor and vulnerable in society. We pray that we will also keep their needs in mind and demonstrate our love for them as we strive to follow Christ's example. Lord in your mercy

For those who have died and whose anniversaries occur at this time: may they be raised to a new and eternal life. Lord in your mercy,

Finally we pray to Mary our Mother and ask her to intercede for us in all our prayers as we say, Hail Mary...

Let us now pray quietly for a few moments for our own intentions.


Father, We hear your call to repentance and rejoice that our salvation is near. Make our hearts and our world ready for the coming of Christ your Son who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

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