Christ the King 34th Sunday of the Year: Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Intercessions for Christ the King



My brothers and sisters, we proclaim that Christ is the Universal King, and, in his name, we ask the Father for all the graces needed for the Church and for the world, that his kingdom may come on earth.



Let us pray for Pope Benedict, the Bishops and for all our clergy, who spend their lives in the service of all of us. May God bless them, giving them strength of character, wisdom and devotion. Lord in your mercy,

We pray for parents, especially those within our own parish. We ask God to help them in the daily routine of bringing up their children with gentle discipline, promoting their education, and teaching them to know and love Him as their Father and friend. Lord in your mercy

We pray for those suffering hardship and financial difficulties, the sick and housebound of our parish and all those whose worries seem insurmountable that they may be comforted Lord in your mercy

We pray for all in prison and their families that they may know the Lord's compassion and love Lord in your mercy

We pray for those who have died.   May God give them peace, and sustain their families and friends that they may find solace in the certainty of their continued life with Him. Lord in your mercy

We ask that Mary, Mother of God, pray with us as we say, Hail Mary …

Let us pray silently for our own intentions.



Father, you call us to be part of your kingdom of which Christ is King. We make our prayers to you with trust in his loving rule, for he reigns for ever and ever.  Amen.

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