Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: Bidding Prayers / Prayers of the Faithful / Intercessions


Like St. Peter, let us profess our faith in Jesus as we present all our prayers to God, our almighty Father.


We pray that Pope Benedict, the successor to St. Peter, continues to lead the church with integrity, wisdom and understanding 
(pause) Lord in your mercy

We pray that the church always remains a rock against which all evil flounders
(pause) Lord in your mercy

Let us pray for our political leaders, that they place the needs and rights of the poor and marginalized before those more able to enjoy the material gifts so abundant in our society
(pause) Lord in your mercy

We pray for parents, teachers and all those working with the young, that with their love, patience, forgiveness and understanding they help them grow into responsible citizens
(pause) Lord in your mercy

Let us pray for our parish community that we may recognise Christ not only as our Saviour but also as a true friend who loves and cares for us  (pause) Lord in your mercy

We pray for those who have died, may they find joy and peace in God’s eternal kingdom
(pause) Lord in your mercy

Let us now turn to Mary, Help of Christians, and seek her intercession as we say  - Hail Mary

In silence let us offer our own prayers to the Lord.


Loving Father, accept these our prayers that we make in faith,
through your son our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit
one God forever and ever. Amen


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