17th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Bidding Prayers / Intercessions


As we meet to share this Holy Eucharist let us ask that God will answer our prayers for his Church, the world and our many needs.


Let us pray also for all Bishops, priests and leaders of the Church; may the Lord strengthen them in the spirit to carry out his work. Lord in your mercy

Do we really value our belief in a life of heavenly happiness as we would a pearl of great price? Let us ask Our Lord to help us realise what a great privilege it is to receive God himself in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. Lord in your mercy

We pray for the hungry, the starving. In complete selflessness, May we break with them the bread of our abundance. Lord in your mercy

May we be active in helping to preserve the beauty and diversity of our world and remember our own responsibilities towards it. Lord in your mercy

We remember also those who have died, may they be shown mercy and find their rest in Christ. Lord in your mercy

Let us ask our Holy Mother’s help as we pray Hail Mary…


As we travel towards our heavenly home
we ask that God may give us his help and support
through all our difficulties.
We ask this in Christ's name. 


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