Holy Cross Day

The priest introduces the prayers:
My brothers and sisters, Jesus humbled himself by his death on the cross, so that we might live the new life of grace.  Let us pray to the Lord for all the graces which his death has won for us.

Minda in Filipino
1. We pray for our Holy Father, Pope Benedict, for our Archbishop Vincent, his assistant Bishops, and the clergy and for the church, that they may always proclaim the triumph of the cross, by which our Lord conquered sin and death. (Pause)
Lord in your mercy….

Elizabeth in Scottish
2. We praise and thank God for all the graces and blessings bestowed on Fr Peter for the past 50years on and pray for God’s continual guidance and protection in his holy vocation and on his family, friends and well wishers. (Pause)
Lord in your mercy….

Miguel in Portuguese
For those who despair of forgiveness for their sins, may they look on the cross as the sign of the price Christ paid for the forgiveness of all their sins, however grievous they may be.(Pause)
Lord in your mercy…..

In Lingala
For those who must bear the cross of anguish and sickness, may they bear their cross in full knowledge that Christ shares with their sufferings. (Pause)
Lord in your mercy…..

In French
For the departed in Christ, as they have died with Christ on the cross, may they also share his resurrection.  (Pause)
Lord in your mercy  

Elizabeth concludes
We pray with Mary, who stood at the foot of the cross: Hail Mary….

Let us make our own prayers in silence

The Priest concludes the prayers:
Father, since you gave us your son, who died on the cross, you cannot refuse anything we ask of you in faith.  Hear our prayers and answer them in accordance with the your will.  We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.   

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