Easter Five: Bidding Prayers / Intercessions



There is no-one in this world, nowhere on earth who is not loved by God. Let us bring all our needs and the needs of all nations and peoples to Him in prayer.


We pray for the Church:  that we may remain faithful, trusting and loving so as to be one with our Saviour, Jesus Christ in our love for all people
(pause) Lord in your mercy

We pray for the Pope, for cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and those in Religious Orders, that they may be guided by the Holy Spirit in all their words and deeds, and so guide us in truth, justice and peace
(pause) Lord in your mercy

We pray for the missionaries and all who carry out God’s love for His people far from their homeland, may they be blessed with courage. 
(pause) Lord in your mercy

We pray for parents, teachers and all who care for young people
that they may be blessed with health, patience and support to provide a secure and loving environment for all on their care. 
(pause) Lord in your mercy

We pray for the sick and dying of this parish and those recently dead, may the living be comforted and the dead find pardon and rest in glory. 
(pause) Lord in your mercy

Let us ask Our Lady to assist us with her prayers saying:  Hail Mary

In silence let us bring our own thoughts and intentions to God.


Loving Father we ask you to answer all our prayers, which we make in faith, through our Christ our Lord. Amen.

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