3rd Sunday of Advent 17th December 2006

Intercessions 3rd Sunday of Advent 17th December 2006

Priest: As we await with joy the Lord who will renew us with his love,
we bring our prayers to God in trust and confidence.

Reader: 1. For Archbishop Vincent, his auxiliary bishops,
and all priests, deacons, religious and people of this diocese.
May the Holy Spirit renew us this Advent and bring us closer to the Lord
in prayer, in love and in joy. (pause)
Lord in your mercy...

2. Let us pray for the Christine and Peter who have renewed their marriage vows today
that the Lord may continue to pour down his blessings upon them
(pause) Lord in your mercy. . .

3. Let us pray for the souls of the women found dead in Ipswich.
We pray for their families and friends who mourn them,
for the police, priests and social workers who work to provide support
at this frightening time and for all who are ensnared in the evils
of drug addiction, prostitution and other forms of exploitation. (pause)
Lord in your mercy.

4. Let us pray for all who are separated from their loved ones,
especially those in hospital, in prison or in the armed forces;
may the joy of the Lord's coming unite them in his love. (pause)
Lord in your mercy...

5. Let us ask the Lord for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us,
that we may never become blinded by materialism and self-sufficiency
but always recognise our need of God's love and mercy. (pause)
Lord in your mercy...

May Mary, who rejoiced in God her Saviour, join her prayers to ours as we pray, Hail Mary.

In silent prayer let us bring our own personal intentions to the Lord.

Priest: Father in heaven, may your gifts of joy and love give us the courage
to remain faithful to the work of your Son until he comes again in glory
we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

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